Duhabi Stadium -
Duhabi Stadium -
1' - Match has been started.
19' - Shrawan Ghachhadar has scored a goal in 19' minute of First half.
25' - Bhuwan Basnet has scored a goal in 25' minute of First half.
39' - Ritik Khadka has scored a goal in 39' minute of First half.
39’45' - First half has been ended.
45’46' - Second half has been started.
10' - Darshan Gurung has scored a goal in 10' minute of Second half.
37' - Arun Limbu has scored a goal in 37' minute of Second half.
37’90' - Second half has been ended.
90’Match has been completed.
Ritik Khadka has been selected Man of the Match.